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/ Bright Breakfast - The Inner Game

Bright Breakfast - The Inner Game

IN: Coaching.26 FEBRUARY, 2019
Bright Breakfast - The Inner Game

Today we had one more Bright Breakfast, this time with the theme The Inner Game®. Several customers came to find out what The Inner Game® was and how it could help improve their performance.

After eating breakfast and doing some networking, we explained what this model was, 2 of its main concepts, 3 of our preferred techniques and 4 applications of The Inner Game® method.

The Inner Game® was created by Tim Gallwey, considered the father of coaching, author of several bestsellers like "The Inner Game of Tennis". This "game" takes place in the mind and is played against very difficult rivals to be defeated: nervousness, lack of confidence and fear of failure. Even great leaders and athletes fight against their inner enemies to achieve success and high performance.

The goal of The Inner Game® methodology is to provide an efficient and enjoyable way to make improvements in any activity - from business reorganization, to individual change and sports. The challenge is to answer these questions: How can we maintain concentration in situations of pressure? And how to fight with the inner voice that insists on saying "You will not achieve it"?


The two The Inner Game® concepts we talked about were:


The 3 techniques that we explained and then went to train on the golf course were:


The 4 applications we make of these concepts and these techniques of The Inner Game® apply to:


In the Putting Green, participants alternated between playing and coaching another player. The goal when they played was to identify their inner game and to do relaxed concentration, in order to have a better performance. When coaching the other player, the goal was to train non-evaluative feedback and mirror feedback.

The different dynamics, sustained by the practice of Golf, were an excellent way to understand how to manage the judgment and the internal interferences that inhibit us and worsen our performance.

Only by experimenting do you realize the impact of freeing the mind from interference to increase performance. Learn more how to do it here.

And that's how a good day's work begins!


Isabel Freire de Andrade |  Bright Concept Partner