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Human Resources

Have you prepared your New Year's Resolutions?

Have you prepared your New Year's Resolutions?

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The world can no longer be led by hero leaders. Now it's the teams' turn.

The world can no longer be led by hero leaders. Now it's the teams' turn.

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The advantages and disadvantages of the 3 work models: flexible work, hybrid work and fixed work
NAThe 2020 global pandemic has driven a significant shift in the way we work. And, the return to “normal”, showed that these new work models are here to stay. But this change is proving to be a challenge for leaders who now have to deal with different work models, organizational rules and requests from employees, who today feel different needs.
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How To Increase Employer Branding
Throughout this article we will explore the importance of Employer Branding and the relationship of Employer Branding with engagement and with recruitment and selection and we will give 10 tips to implement a successful Employer Branding in your organization.
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Upskilling and Reskilling and its importance in Talent Management
In this context of profound business transformation, employers feel the need to assess the extent to which their Employees have the necessary skills to successfully respond to new organizational challenges. As a result, Upskilling – the development of existing skills, and Reskilling – the development of new skills, assume a fundamental role in the business cycle of talent management and development.
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The 5 HR trends for 2022
Discover the 5 HR trends for the next year presented by Forbes and the BRIGHT solutions for each one of them.
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What are the strengths of your Company's Talent Management Strategy
Carry out this brief self-assessment to identify your Organization's Talent Management strengths and also areas where you may need to invest in improving them.
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Digital Transformation vs Human Transformation
In processes of rupture and discontinuity, there are moments of truth when it is necessary to create spaces of magic and, above all, to make experimentation and recreation possible. In Companies, it is therefore necessary to recreate a language that translates this magical environment and that will allow you to tell a new story, in which you experience the limits of your own culture!
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Do you have the skills of the future?
We live in a ever changing world . Digital technology, automation and disruptive innovation introduce uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity in our day-to-day life. Globalization and the "network society " change the way businesses and people relate and interact.
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Career Change: Step Back or ... Step Forward?
Whenever we are faced with a predictable situation of change, we question ourselves several times until there is a balance between the certainty of the decision to be made and the risk of that decision!
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Motivate, Retain and Develop Talent in the Millennial Generation
Much has been said and written about Millennials, however, we found that most companies were not able to anticipate the new challenges, not being today prepared to captivate, integrate, develop and ensure that they remain “engaged”.
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Bright Breakfast - Debating Diversity Management in HR
Last Thursday, Bright Concept organized a breakfast debate at Academia de Golfe de Lisboa. The topic to be debated? Diversity Management.
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